paintings 15
Extra-conceptual being. (Translation of the texts in the image, from the top: transcendental existence, Peter M.'s rhino heart transplant, extra-conceptual existence, horse-dog-horse head transplant, behavioral existence, Eve P. and therapeutic construction).
The structure of the thing itself. (Translation of the texts in the image, from the top: structure of the thing in itself, informen, part available to cognition, part not available to cognition, noumen.) (note 600)
Subconscious existential judgment. Dying dualisms. (Translation of the texts in the image, from the top: "subconscious existential judgment", "making conscious", "existence designator".)
Derrida expresses his appreciation and accepts Kuszej's inference.
shunyata 578
The chair in the pink room - depicted in the commonly experienced conventional reality and in the reality of Śunjata devoid of time, concepts and properties. When we experience the existence of a real thing such as a chair, the concept of "chair" has a modeling effect on the image of the chair, on its eyewitness and through that on its mental representation. Properties are the modeling component of the nature of reality. The same chair seen without the presence of the chair property (as is the case in Śunjata's reality) generates a qualitatively different reality. The presence or absence of a concept affects the reality seen by establishing its nature.
Attention: the image does not show the actual appearance of the chair in the Śunjata. It is a graphic equivalent (graphic metaphor) of the absence of the properties of the of the chair, concepts and time.
Existence unconscious in Śunjata.